Disputes can be stressful and have a significant impact on your time and financial resources. Our approach is to provide clients with objective and honest advice with a view to an efficient resolution. We help clients identify the key issues in dispute, the legal and factual strengths and weaknesses and the variety of options available to resolve the dispute.
Disputes with Government
We have assisted clients in a variety of disputes with Government departments. The dispute may relate to customs, tax or quarantine matters. We attempt to resolved disputes through internal reviews and ruling requests. If necessary, we will assist clients with review via the Administrative Appeals Tribunal or Court.
Disputes between parties in the supply chain
The key with disputes in the supply chain is to firstly determine whether any storage or container detention fees are accruing. Too often a dispute regarding goods is quickly overshadowed by the mounting container detention fees. We will quickly assess these risks and help you identify a way to preserve your rights while at the same time preventing unnecessary costs accruing.
We have worked with clients regarding disputes over failure to pay, defective goods, lost goods, breach of contract terms, defective logistic services, container detention fees and delayed delivery.
Invoicing disputes and debt recovery
In a perfect world, invoices are clear and paid on time. In the real world there are often disputes regarding whether invoices are properly payable. The non-payment of invoices may be used as commercial leverage in respect of an unrelated dispute. In other instances, a lien may be exercised over goods, or, a bill of lading withheld, to compel payment of a disputed invoice.
International trade is highly susceptible to invoicing disputes due to the large volume of transactions, tight margins, variety of services performed and the incurring and charging of disbursement. We work with all parties in the supply chain.